… and He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again. (NIV)
Suppose your child skips school, torments his siblings, shoplifts, and does whatever he wants regardless of his responsibilities or others’ feelings. Do you want your child to be happy? Yes, you do – but not until he changes!
Jesus didn’t die to make us happy. Jesus died so that we would live for Him.
Worldly people live for their own pleasure and justify themselves, saying “God wants me to be happy”. No He doesn’t!!! He wants you to be absolutely miserable until you give your life completely and unconditionally over to Him. He would rather you be miserable than for you to go to Hell. He would rather you be miserable than for you to waste the precious life He has given you, frittering your time and energy away on selfish and empty pursuits.
If you are living for Him and you still feel unhappy, then He DOES want to comfort you. You may follow Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane and pray His prayer: “Father, not my will but Thine be done”. Then He will set joy before you, indescribable and glorious joy.
Prayer: Lord, every time I fail may I become less, and You become greater in my life.
Thought for the day: Jesus died so that we would live for Him.
Cross![]() e-mail: thornroot@juno.com |
Copyright © 1999
Last Revised: June 20, 2000 |