a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise,
and rejoice, and sing praise.
“Christian rock” fans like this verse. I wonder if they really understand what it means.
Which sounds louder to God: a worship band in a stadium cranked up to 100 decibels? Or ten people huddled in a small room in China, singing hymns in whispered voices so their neighbors won’t report them to the police?
This week I have been attending a Christian youth conference, which featured contemporary Christian worship music. Of course, the youth think, “the louder the better”. After one worship session, the worship leader told the assembly: “That was beautiful singing”. Maybe he could hear our singing, because the amplifiers were facing the “audience” (I use this word intentionally). But I could’t even hear myself singing, let alone those around me. The sound blasting off the stage stuffed my words back down my throat.
Just once, I wish
we could hear worship as God hears it. I wish we could listen to
what God listens to. I wish that worship leaders would try to create
this kind of sound for us – or better, enable us to create this kind of
sound for ourselves.
Prayer: Lord, may our praise be loud in Your ears, not just in ours.