What does it really mean, to seek God’s Kingdom?
To seek God’s Kingdom means to promote His authority, His rule, His will. God’s rule is promoted when Satan’s is diminished. Now, Satan’s authority is derived from the curses of the Old Testament Law, such as the curse upon Adam and Eve. This curse was in effect God’s declaration that, since Adam and Eve had spurned Him and heeded Satan , Satan had gained rights over them, to cause them pain and attrition, suffering and death.
God’s loving intention is to free us completely from the curses of the Law (John 3:16, Galatians 3:13-14).. Eventually, when Jesus Himself returns, this aim will be fully realized (1 Cor. 15:22-26). In the meantime, we who are moved by the Spirit of Jesus Christ are to manifest His love by mitigating the effects of the curse. When Jesus sent out His disciples, they demonstrated the coming of His kingdom by putting the forces of Satan in retreat (Matthew 10:7-8, Luke 10:17). Jesus gives us the very same commission: we are a military occupation force, making ready for the establishment of a new regime (Mark 16:15-18).
We need not involve ourselves in any activity or concern which is not directed towards these ends. Did not Jesus say: “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and ALL these things will be added unto you”? Hence all of our activities should be measured against these criteria:
Of course, at the same time these advances have been made, there have been significant setbacks. This is to be expected, because Satan does not remain inactive. The struggle continues; and we should not sit by as civilians, but take part as active combatants on Jesus’ side.
One widespread manifestation of the curse is so taken for granted it is most often overlooked. In prosperous America, many of us are locked into “good” jobs which provide no spiritual satisfaction, but only empty affluence. Despite our material prosperity, we are spiritually bereft. We are like the Israelite slaves in Egypt, or Samson grinding grain in prison. Such meaningless and unfulfilling toil is Satan’s diversion, not God’s provision. Didn’t Jesus say, “Labor not for food that perishes, but for the food which endures for everlasting life” (John 6:27)?. We should never resign ourselves and allow the curse to trample on our lives. We must pray and cry out to God, as the Hebrew slaves did in Egypt – and not rest day or night until He delivers us.
In Paul’s time, some of the Christians were slaves. He advised them: “Don’t let [your slavery] bother you. But if you have an opportunity to gain your freedom, use it” (1 Cor. 7:21). This advice applies to us as well, whose jobs yield us worldly treasure, but spiritually grind us to powder.
The curse is scrawled across the face of this creation like graffiti on a poster. Our current task is to erase the curse, that the poster may be salvaged. However we only have rubber erasers -- so no matter how hard we try, traces of the curse will remain. But when He comes, He will take down the poster, burn it, and replace it with a new one which is neither defaced nor defiled.
Cross![]() e-mail: thornroot@juno.com |
Copyright © 2003
Last Revised: May 3, 2003 |